Homemade Natural Deodorant

Yeeeears ago, I was a *huge* LUSH fanatic.
I had stockpiles of bath bombs, ever-present blocks of Rock Star and Coalface soaps, the occasional "treat" container of Cupcake mask... But of all of the LUSH products, there was one in particular that I could NOT be without... Aromacreme deodorant.
I LOVED how it smelled, I loved the natural, aluminum-free, paraben-free aspect, the texture... and it worked great, too.
Until it was discontinued.
It's been about 3 years since then, and I still miss it -- I can conjure up the olfactory recall of its heady, ylang ylang and cassie flower scent, just by thinking about it.
Sadly, I don't anticipate its return any time soon, so I figured I would try to make my own -- if not the scent, then at for least the creamy, natural texture.

Initially, I tried a recipe which consisted of three ingredients: baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch. I added a few drops of lemon & lavender essential oils, because... well... I can't imagine using ANYTHING unscented. It's just not in my nature.
 So, as for the resulting product, I didn't really care for it. Its effectiveness wore off quickly, it "burned" my armpits (Aromacreme did too, but I loved the scent so much that I didn't care), and the coconut oil stained my clothes.

Months later, I found a different recipe on one of my favorite DIY/Natural Beauty blogs -- you can read the full article here:

I based my recipe on Crunchy Betty's, and over years, perfected it:

  • 15 Tbsp shea butter (refined lacks the weird, feety smell that unrefined tends to have)
  • 10 Tbsp baking soda
  • 14 Tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 10 Tbsp coconut oil (NOT fractionated)
  • 6 Tbsp kaolin
  • A few mLs of EO

Dump all the ingred. into a non-metallic mixing bowl, and mix with electric mixer until smooth.

Makes 5-6 4oz jars.

End result: I've been using/test-driving this version of natural deodorant for the past 2-3 weeks (2020 update: now years), and I LOVE it! The kaolin seems to work wonderfully (much, MUCH gentler than the original recipe which contained bentonite), and I haven't noticed any oiliness/staining, as with the first recipe I tried.

I think I've found a winner... if only I could duplicate the scent of Aromacreme.
I'll be working on that soon.


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